Monday, August 12, 2013

Bon Voyage

"A traveler am I, and a navigator, and every day I discover a new region within my soul." ~ Khalil Gibran.
 The past few days have been a wonderful relaxation for my overworked body.  I took my girls over to some friends of mine that have several different animals and it was an impromptu mini petting zoo.  What most people don't realize is that animal companionship is not limited to the young; I'm sure my mother-in-law enjoyed it as much as my daughter.  There have been many studies that show the beneficial effect of animals on people, everything from dogs, to horses.  Pet therapy is used in hospitals for everything from cheering people up to lowering blood pressure.  Somehow animals are able to connect in a healing therapeutic way that we as fellow humans cannot.  For more information on pet therapy simply Google the term and there are many studies for you to read. 
    I have been able to sort through several boxes of stuff from storage and get rid of quite a few of them.  Also, the nights here are starting to cool down and I'm able to start opening the blinds in our bedroom to let in the light and warmth again.  I do love letting the light stream through our bedroom window during the day to help light up the hallway, it is after all an old farmhouse, and the lighting is quite limited. 
     I drew up a rough outline of the 3/4 acre of the property that the house sits on and have started my landscaping plans for next year.  As far as animals, my husband has agreed that we can get a Pot Belly Pig, a Miniature Horse for the property, and a few ducks; then we'll be maxed out as far as the limit of animals we can take care of properly.  The following picture is a picture of Thumbelina our first rabbit, and my bratty dogs which are determined to eat her.  Yes, I love my dogs dearly, but they are spoiled brats, and yes it is almost all of my fault, but my mother-in-law does not help the situation.  Meet Buddy on the left and Brandy on the right, brother and sister from the same litter, different fathers.  It's quite amazing what genetics can do isn't it?  
    I started exercising again and it has been very nice and I can feel the difference already.  I have almost completed the outline of the first novel that I plan to write.  On Friday, my next day off, I'll start the actual writing of my novel.  It'll be fantasy based, along the lines of The Chronicles of Narnia meets The Hobbit with a twist.  My health has improved quite a bit so I am able to accomplish more things during the day, even days that I work outside of the home.  I managed to save the Moonflowers that had been neglected, see the pictures below, and they seem to be pulling out of it nicely.  Last, but certainly not least is the rough outline of my goals for the property.  Keep in mind that when I plan things they have to be able to be self-sustaining and low maintenance in order to fit into my schedule.  I have to work to pay for bills for my family and my husband and I are raising my daughter and taking care of my mother-in-law. 
My Moonflowers are rebounding back quickly.  It's astonishing what the right conditions can do.
My initial plans for the property.  Some of them will take a while I think, probably over the next three years is what I'm currently estimating.

   Until next time, take care one and all.  Simply Yoko.  ;)


  1. It is good to plot out your home and property on paper .. and study very carefully the rising and setting of the sun as to where to put in the veggie garden. You're off to a good start.

  2. Thank you, I will keep that in mind. I know in front of my house is where all of the heat loving plants will go with direct hot afternoon sun such as the tomatoes, eggplants, melons, peppers, etc. and on the side of the house will be the less tolerant heat plants such as the lettuces, kale, etc. The herbs I'm still looking into and reading about so I'm not quite sure where all they will go, but I will soon. I'll have more detailed maps as I begin my measurements and start baby stepping my projects. ;)
