Thursday, August 22, 2013


"Look to the future, your story is not yet written." ~Unknown Author~
I have made great progress in uncluttering my bedroom this week.  Given the inches and sizes that I have lost over the past 2 years I still somehow had many clothes that fit me when I was heavier, even though I thought I had given them all away.  Into the give away sack they went, clothes that will never fit me given the fact that I am a woman, and not a prepubescent girl.  Clothes that were trendy, many years ago, into the sack they went, followed by clothes that I never should have bought as they were designed for someone with a far different body structure than mine, mine is hour glass curves.  After the basic clothes purge, I followed it with a cathartic book experience, book after book left my book shelves to journey into the giveaway bag destined for homes that will treasure it more than my dusty shelves.  One of the ways that my daughter and I plan to get our book fix cheaply without the clutter is the Public Library.  Free access to an unlimited number of books, with a deadline to read them by a certain date thus minimizing the amount of clutter than can enter my household at one time.  My daughter and I are now official card carrying members of our local Public Library.
    Depending upon my schedule for the week, is how much time I have and which project I am able to work on at the time.  In weeks where my schedule is normal I have been able to chip away at larger tasks such as landscaping, longer weeks mean less writing, more uncluttering, essentially baby steps as I try to balance work, family and my own personal projects. 
    My little girl is getting ready to start school again, it's amazing how the Summer has flown by.  Pretty soon my little girl will be ready to start sports such as T-Ball, and Soccer.  My mother-in-law's dementia has not progressed very much and so we are still able to take care of her.  My husband has been helping his daughter at her Restaurant and has been loving it, and me, well I'm always up to something.  It just depends upon my mood how beneficial it is to other people, lol.  ;) 
    My Moonflowers have managed to pull out of it nicely.  After giving it some thought I replanted the three plants together so that they can use each other to climb upon as they are a vining plant.  They are starting to become a little wild though, I'll have to move them with the rest of my Jungle soon, as my Kitchen Window is for small plants only.
 My niece and her family came up from the City to our neck of the woods and we had a delightful visit.  I was able to show her the new, improved healthy me and she was delighted at the results I have had so far.  I also wrangled an invite to a 15K that her city has annually, and so I have several months to prepare for this undertaking.  I think I am finally able to be up to the Challenge.  The difference between my hike with her last year and this year was amazing!  I was talking with a friend yesterday and remarked that I have lost 35 lbs. since beginning my weight loss journey over the past 2 years.  That my dear friends is the size of a large bag of dog food.  Imagine continuously carrying around that sack of dog food, there's a reason that being far over weight is dangerous to a person's health.  Until next time friends take care, and have a peak at my latest poem, inspired by the change in seasons. ;)

Autumn Fire
She was walking home with her backpack slung over her back, the weight of the books a familiar pressure.  With each step she took she heard a crinkle as leaves were crushed underfoot.  The warmth of the Autumn Sun beat down on her causing a trickle of sweat to slide down her temple.  Within seconds a blast of frigid air hit her forewarning of Winter's approach and just as quickly darting away, causing the leaves around her to dance.  She looked at the darkening hills around her as the Sun began to set, it's rays burning brightly crimson, smelled dry grass, wood chips, and smoke and inhaled deeply.  All around her were the signs of the season; the signs of Autumn and realized that this was what she loved about Autumn, the Autumn Fire.




  1. Congratulations on your weight loss! Believe it nor not the hardest part is ahead of you...keeping it off. Your moonflowers are coming along nicely and your poem reminds me of how the weather starts changing when school starts.

  2. Thank you. The poem was actually inspired due to the change in the seasons and a memory of walking home from school in Autumn many years ago.
